ObiKit - Write Your Own Obituary
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WHAT is ObitKit?
It’s a BOOK. It’s a GUIDE. It’s a PLAN.
  • ObitKit is a BOOK: Fill out this creative and upbeat workbook to let your family know how you’d like to be remembered – in your obituary and for generations to come.
  • ObitKit is a GUIDE: Let your loved ones know your final wishes and what sort of send-off you’d like.
  • ObitKit is a PLAN: Let this guide be your final gift to family and friends, giving them peace of mind and a plan as they make difficult decisions at a time of grief, sadness and, sometimes, shock.
ObitKit, Susan Soper: preview page of the ObitKit
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The Story of  ObitKit
ObitKit, Susan Soper: my inspiration for writing ObitKit, Dorothea Smith Moeller
Dorothea Smith Moeller
ObitKit was created in 2009, inspired by my grandmother, who left a packet of instructions for me, her executor, to follow when she died in 1981:
Stop the paper and the milk. What friends to call. Name and phone number of minister; hymns, prayers and the NY cemetery information.
What a gift! Since then, I’ve written obits for friends and family members and know the comfort and value of having accurate information at hand when it’s most needed. When my dad died in 1996, I had to write his obituary in the middle of the night with nothing to reference and no clues to what kind of burial or service he wanted. ObitKit was inspired by these two people so dear to me.