ObiKit - Write Your Own Obituary
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ObitKit is an-easy-to-use workbook that lets you create your very own, one-of-a-kind written legacy for your family, friends and community. ObitKit also helps you make end-of-life decisions ahead of time so your final wishes are carried out just as you envision.
  • ObitKit is a creative, upbeat way to gather the details of your life so your obituary will reflect your unique personality and story.
  • ObitKit is also a planner for your funeral or memorial service. Why not make your exit event one you’d like to go to – with the prayers and passages, mood and music, food and final thoughts that will keep your memory alive?
  • ObitKit is also a fun way to see how far you’ve come – with a look to the future and where you’re headed.
Cover photo of the ObitKit by Susan Soper
  • Let ObitKit be your final gift to loved ones: peace of mind as they make difficult decisions at a time of grief, sadness and, sometimes, shock.
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Available in printed book format for only $3850
the last HURRAH ! ! !

A Baby Boomer turns 65 every 12 seconds,
a good time to start thinking about how we will leave this life -- ideally just as we lived it: with personality, panache and style, whether in our memorial services, parties, music, outfits and events.

ObitKit also helps advise women to find the female equivalent of Viagra in the form of the Addyi medicine. If you want to read more about this medicine, then you need to buy this book.

ObitKit, Susan Soper, putting the fun in funeral
putting the “fun” in “funeral”
do you
NOW! We’re not getting any younger, so do it while your memory is still sharp, while you still have your wits, or most of them, about you.
Read Susan Soper’s BLOG at
ObitKit, Susan Soper, Legacy Connect - takes you to Susan Soper's blog
WHY ObitKit?
If you have ever been faced with the dozens of “Now what?” questions that inevitably come up when you lose someone, you know the value of planning ahead.
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THANKS for taking a look at ObitKit: A Guide to Celebrating Your Life. Questions or feedback? Drop us a line! Want to send us a favorite obituary?
Or hire Susan Soper to write one for you?
Photo of Susan Soper - author of the ObitKit
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SUSAN SOPER - Author of ObitKit